
Due to geographical and demographic structure of Rajasthan, the water recharge level is very low and people often face water scarcity due to less accessibility of water reservoirs. Issues of water scarcity are most acute in areas that are arid and semiarid, just like in review to Rajasthan’s conditions people here have been facing the worst water crisis and have been forced to come up with a desperate solution to deal with it.

Several challenges and mitigations, results have been zero. The regions lack surface water and a weak monsoon creates water scarcity during the summers every year. The situation of the most households back in 80’s and 90’s was extremely downtrodden as feasibility and accessibility of water supply was found. The core water supplier in the rural areas of this arid regions has always been the female who has been prone to several health issues.

The chore of water collection is a back breaking having adverse health effects. Regular contacts with water have made women prone to water borne diseases here.

Despite heavy investments in water resources, the people of Rajasthan are suffering from water scarcity. Water resource management is largely exploitative rather than conservationist. Cultivation in the desert region is poor and precarious, though some tracts have better soils and are more productive.

Henceforth, at the initial decades the prolonged intervention in Water begun with “Drought Relief drinking water programme” in 96’s where the region had hit very hardly with the water scarcity issues. Therefore, this initiative became a lightening spark for DHARA Sansthan to work for the welfare of the people.

Reviewing the timeline of the initiative, Dhara Sansthan has been able to work at almost 20+ water projects with various water initiative programs such as Drought Relief Drinking Water, Voluntary agencies action for drought in Rajasthan, Tankli Construction, Rain water harvesting structure construction, Water Resource Development, Flood relief and rehabilitation programme, Sanitation promotion in flood relief camps, Drinking water resource Management, Drought Mitigation in Thar, Consulting on water Initiative, Community based RO plant, Water Backpack distribution, Jeevan Amrit Project, Water Stewardship Program and currently working on Nadi Rejuvenation Program.

All of these water programs has not only impacted on supplying water to the people but it has enabled to touch other segments such as development of underground storage space with water catchment area, feasibility of mini wells at every household, growth in agriculture, provision of water tankers impacting around huge populations, gradually parameters such as pH value in water testing helped to know the presence of fluoride in drinking water, and the process of purification of available water, horticulture unit development, farmers meeting and trainings organized to adequately make the provision of water supply to crops, embankments developed for water storage and the major gaps of water inaccessibility addressed.

This is why one of the most deserted and barren regions became the matter of grave concern for DHARA to intervene.