Dhara Sansthan, in collaboration with UJAAS, Aditya Birla Education Trust, spearheads the Menstrual Health and Hygiene Express Project, aimed at transforming the lives of over 4000 beneficiaries across the districts of Barmer and Jaipur in Rajasthan, as well as Ahmedabad and Banaskantha in Gujarat. This pioneering initiative seeks to address the critical issue of menstrual health and hygiene among women and girls in these regions.

The project revolves around comprehensive sessions conducted by trained trainers, who impart valuable knowledge and skills related to menstrual health and hygiene. These sessions serve as platforms for education, awareness, and destigmatization of menstruation, empowering women and girls to manage their menstrual health effectively and confidently.

One of the key components of the project is the distribution of sanitary pads, with each beneficiary receiving one pad. This ensures access to essential menstrual hygiene products, mitigating the challenges faced by many women and girls in procuring sanitary materials.

Moreover, the project incorporates an innovative approach by deploying an express van dedicated to menstrual health drives. This van travels across the targeted districts, delivering crucial information, resources, and support directly to communities. By bringing the services to the doorstep of beneficiaries, the project maximizes its outreach and impact, reaching even the most remote areas.

Through collaborative efforts and community engagement, the Menstrual Health and Hygiene Express Project aims to break taboos, promote health-seeking behaviors, and foster a culture of menstrual equity and dignity. By uplifting women and girls, the project contributes to broader goals of gender equality, health, and well-being in the regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat.