
Malnutrition has always been a concern to human health after fulfilling needs. In today’s health-care system, malnutrition is a forced form of insufficient vitamins or minerals, overweight, obesity, and the resulting diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Healthy children learn better and have a better chance of living a long life.

Given the state of Rajasthan, Nand Ghars is one of the initiatives or models in which DHARA Sasnthan ensured the effective transaction of early childhood care and education services for children in the Nand Ghars, building awareness on health and hygiene practices among children and women, and establishing a strong village monitoring system for providing handholding support and ensuring participation and establishing strong community connectivity with stakeholders.

Nand Ghar, a flagship programme of Vedanta that strives to reduce child malnutrition through the program that serve a range of foods such as nutritious meal and while following to the highest standards of hygiene and food quality.

Under this initiative, DHARA Sansthan could run 275 Nand Ghars over a five-year period (from 2015 to March 2020), where our roles were to ensure that the beneficiaries received nutrition and need-based supplies such as nutrition food for child’s development, concurrent pre-school education along with provision of nutritious food, promoting health and hygiene for the child’s growth monitoring in terms of supplements provided to child for growth in weight and height ensuring.

Aside from the aforementioned components that were required for running the Nand Ghars, the project’s impact was outstanding, with community engagements and various programmes organized having a larger impact on the lives of the child and mother in the micro level and resulting in betterment for the community at the macro level. Nand Ghars was one of the most important projects where we engaged with pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children aged 0 to 6 years in an approachable format, allowing us to establish DHARA Santhan’s perspective for the developed model.