Child Protection

Over the years, experiences with marginalized communities have taught us that children are the core pillars of the society and later future of the generations. Being in the operation since decades and witnessing the vulnerability a child faces, during the phase needed to be addressed. The extremity a child goes through in larger picture affects the future nation. To bridge this gap, Dhara Sansthan took up the cause and created the comprehensive model to address the needs of these children through partnership with ChildLine India Foundation.

Through ChildLine program, a 24-hour, free, emergency phone outreach service for children in need of care and protection not only responded to the emergency needs of the children but could also clubbed them with services for their long-term care and rehabilitation. A helpline number 1098 that could bridge the gap of emergency situation that a child witnesses was introduced. The number became a countdown for child’s better life from the street, signifying hope, acceptance and happiness. The program was designed to be an integral part of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.

CHILDLINE India Foundation is the national nodal resource organization for the initiation and monitoring of the service throughout the country. During the reporting period, DHARA has initiated awareness & IEC development activities within the target area to generate awareness about the child line initiative. Also, during the period, ChildLine has taken appropriate actions for the well-being of children by providing shelter & medical support.

The component under this program enhanced the growth of a child in need of care and protection with the available services. The program main agenda was to be effective in reaching out to the millions of children deprived of their childhood, and also the ones prone to conflict and vulnerability. The collaborative roles and functions tackled under the program was to respond to calls received on the CHILDLINE 1098 on a 24/7 basis, city mapping to identify the high risk areas where vulnerable children were been found, intervention and follow-up case, awareness and outreach in the community on a daily basis, monthly open house meetings with the users of CHILDLINE services, internal meetings once in a week, collection of qualitative and quantitative data, and setting up meetings and coordinating activities of the CHILDLINE Advisory Board in locations.

The service was provided in the collaboration with CWC via which mass level coverage of population was being benefitted by the provision. The initiative of ChildLine 1098 and Dosti Week (a week in which activities were been proposed to create child friendly atmosphere where they could come up with issues to address by themselves) had a great impact at the community level. It has been a great way to engage the students and encourage them to learn about the important issues in promoting child protection and empowerment.

The program was on the operation till October 2023.