Mobile Health Van

Mobile Health Van (MHV):

Barmer is located in desert area. Although physical infrastructures are very rich in this area but a major problem is scattered population. Due to this problem, health care provisions lacks and it was observed that a major reason behind the gap is health standard of rural Barmer.

DHARA’s genesis has begun with the health segment back since 1989 and had well known for its excellent services in the field of Mobile Health Van interventions since 2010 till date with the support of Cairn Foundation impacting annually 1,00,000+ lives across 215 villages in Rajasthan and Gujarat to ensure “Access Quality Health Services” in their doorsteps. The schedule and the timing of the Mobile Health Van is pre-decided and allotted across the Cairn operational villages.

Over the period, this intervention has generated great impact in the lives of marginalized & deprived communities through improving their accessibility of healthcare facilities and provisions.

The project has major objectives such as; providing basic health care services through seven (07) Mobile Health Van, facilitate community awareness on disease prevention and positive health specific behavioural change activities, promote healthcare and hygiene practices (Menstrual hygiene, basic healthcare, and nutrition) amongst adolescent girls and women, and facilitate multi-specialty health camps on the need basis of the villages.

We are running these MHVs’ under the following components and activities such as:

  • Medical check-up and regular visits.
  • Malaria, dengue and diabetes test.
  • Referral- immunization of pregnant women and children.
  • Awareness on personal hygiene and sanitation.
  • Multi-Special health camps.
  • Collaboration with health department and stakeholders.
  • Home visit & community mobilization.