Dhara Sansthan has worked on various water-related projects, considering Rajasthan a dry region. Dhara has been working for the welfare of rural communities since 1987. Barmer is the third-largest district in Rajasthan and a victim of drought and lesser rainfall.

Keeping this challenge in perspective, Dhara Sansthan decided to intervene and address the problem of water scarcity through various innovative approaches with the help and support of the government and partner organizations.

In the year 2020, we have started working on the rejuvenation of water bodies to solve the problem of clean and safe drinking water for the inhabitants and livestock of the targeted village communities in the Barmer district. We wanted to restore the traditional culture of the Nadi system, which existed in the history of Barmer. Dhara Sansthan has successfully restored 287 Nadis in Rajasthan’s Barmer, Jaisalmer, and Jaipur districts to date.

The restoration of these nadis has had a significant impact on the lives of the villagers. Not only has it provided a reliable source of clean and safe drinking water, but it has also revitalized the agricultural practices in the region. With the rejuvenation of these water bodies, farmers now have access to water throughout the year, allowing them to cultivate crops even during the dry seasons. This has resulted in increased agricultural productivity and improved food security for the communities. Additionally, the restored Nadis have become a haven for wildlife, attracting various species of birds and animals, thus promoting biodiversity in the area. The revitalization of these water bodies has truly transformed the lives of the villagers, providing them with various benefits and improving their overall well-being.